Beyond Wrapping —A Guide to Creating Zero Waste Gift Baskets for Corporate Clients 

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Most gift wrapping is constructed of difficult-to-recycle mixed materials and is in the trash. We generate millions of tons of rubbish during the holidays, and estimates indicate that half of it ends up in landfills – hardly surprising to anybody who has wandered into the streets on the garbage day after Christmas. 

Overstuffed rubbish bins and sacks practically bursting with outdated wrapping, ribbon, and packing make the pavements an obstacle course. This is why ensuring that your corporate gift baskets are as environmentally friendly as possible is important. 

The problem with present wrapping paper is that it is not entirely paper. Glitter, foil, and cellophane are composed of plastic or metallic elements and can not be separated for recycling. Other wrapping sheets have a thick wax covering that gives them a beautiful, glossy appearance. When wax is combined with other recyclable documents, such as newspapers, it forms a contamination that is difficult to remove and lowers the quality of the recycled paper fiber.

Some suggestions for reducing wrapping paper waste. 

  • Consider recycling gift wraps and gift bags. This helps save natural resources and money for the holidays the following year. 
  • If you have not already purchased wrapping paper, consider reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable alternatives. 
  • Cellophane wrapping paper, sparkling bows, and ribbons should also be reused because they cannot be recycled.
  • Wrap gifts in recyclable brown construction paper, then add a pinecone or sprig from the Christmas tree to add rustic flare while being eco-friendly. 
  • Cardboard and paper cartons are also important recyclable goods. Paper gift bags and uncoated wrapping paper. Holiday cards and envelopes with no frills, such as glitter or glued-on ornaments. As with other sustainability initiatives, working with what you currently have is preferable. Many craftsmen recommend wrapping strangely shaped items in linen or scarves. 
  • Wrap gifts in the comic section of the newspaper for the youngsters. They can read their favorite comic strips while waiting to unwrap their gifts. 
  • Reusing containers, such as glass jars or tin boxes, can also function as robust packing without further purchases. 
  • Try Furoshiki Wrapping: This is a collection of Japanese techniques for wrapping cloth items of different shapes and sizes. But, before you go out and buy brand new material only to wrap gifts, keep in mind that textile waste is a huge issue in and of itself; in North America, we send 81 pounds of textiles to trash each year. Utilizing fabric you own is significantly more sustainable, or visiting local thrift stores to locate used textiles. 

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